Defence School Mentors (DSMs) are located Australia wide in schools where there are large numbers of Australian Defence Force families and is funded by the Department of Defence Defence School Mentor Program (DSMP) through Defence Member and Family Support (DMFS, formerly DCO). DSMs work to minimise the impact of mobility on education and build the capability of the school in supporting Defence students and their families.
Who are our Amberley District State School DSMs?
Here at Amberley District State School, our DSM is Mrs Kristina Rawlinson. Mrs Rawlinson's family posted to Amberley in 2023 and she has been a part of the ADSS community since she began as Defence Mentor in January 2024. Her husband is a current serving RAAF member, she has 3 children, 2 at the local high school and one still in primary school. Mrs Rawlinson loves greeting our new families and students and helping them become a valued part of ADSS Defence community and enjoys the many activities she gets to share with our ADSS Defence students. Outside of school, Mrs Rawlinson can usually be found cheering n her children at their baseball fames, or curled up at home reading a good book. Mrs Rawlinson can be found in the Collaboration Room at the end of D block and works Monday to Friday.
What does a DSM do?
The DSMP assists Defence students and their families with changing schools, integrating into the school community and providing support during parental absences. The DSM can assist you and your children become familiar with our school and its facilities, co-ordinate welcome and farewell activities for Defence children and monitor and report on children's personal issues such as peer groups and friendships.
Throughout the year DSMs run targeted small group activities to regularly catch up with all our Defence students, especially those who have a parent away due to military service. Examples of activities we run include, craft sessions, Milo or Zooper Dooper morning teas, games club, special lunches, stories and activities and making gifts or cards/letters for parents to name just a few. We also organise special services and activities to commemorate and educate about ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day.
We are happy for parents to contact us and can provide information about supports available for families through ADSS, DMFS and our local community. We have a small parent library with books you can borrow to use at home with your child and have organised coffee catch ups at the start of the year for parents to meet other Defence parents.
How can I contact the DSMs?
Defence families can access either of the DSMs at the school on (07) 3280 3111 or via email at At school we are based in the Collaboration Room which can be found at the end of the Prep block, in the demountable. We look forward to getting to know you and your family during your time at Amberley!