The Australian Curriculum sets the expectations for what all Australia students should be taught, regardless of where they live or their background.
To view the Achievement Standards for each year level:
Foundation year
Year 1 - 2
Year 3 - 4
Year 5 - 6
Mission to maximise the achievement of each student in every classroom, in every learning experience each and every day through access, adjustments, supports and advocacy to enable individual achievement and personal success. We achieve this though promoting inclusion as the process of personalising learning pathways to ensure the engagement and success of all students rather than viewing inclusion as simply being physically present in the classroom. Our unrelenting focus on achievement in literacy and numeracy ensures that we focus on removing barriers from learning which may be related to a student's disability and focus upon ensuring our students have the skills and capabilities to achieve success.
Our Program
We continue to journey towards a more inclusive education system, so that all children and young people, from all social, cultural, community and family backgrounds, and of all identities and all abilities are able to: access and participate in high quality education and fully engage in the curriculum alongside their similar-aged peers, learn in a safe and supportive enviroment, free from bullying, discrimination or harassment achieve academically and socially with reasonable adjustments and supports tailored to meet their learning needs.
At Amberley District State School, we value the diversity of students and are committed to the provision of inclusive schooling. Learning Leaders act as Case Managers, coordinating the provision of resources and support to students across each year level. Students are supported by Learning Leaders, Classroom Teachers and Teacher Aides across the day both in the classroom and in targeted intervention.
Learning Assets
The Learning Assets are our school way of teaching the Australian Curriculums, General (learning) Capabilities and encompass the skill sets required to be a powerful learner. Providing opportunities for students to grow their Learning Assets is an important part of all teaching episodes. By growing these assets learners develop skills that make their learning more successful today and skills that will asist them to be lifelong learners.
Excursions and Camps
During the year, classes are involved in a variety of offsite experiences including excursions, concerts and camps. Email communication sent home advertising of details and costs prior to the event.
When completing excursion/camp consents, you are agreeing to pay the full costs of the excersion/camp and the bus, regardless of whether your child can participate. The school is liable to meet its finance obligations to the complanies involved, therefore no refund can be offered. Please contact administration for further information.
Year 4: Day Camp
Year 5: 3 Day Camp
Year 6: 3 Day Camp
Reporting to Parents
Academic reporting involves communicating information to parents, carers and students about student achievement and progress for each learning area/subject undertaken, at a point in time. Reporting builds the school-parent partnership to improve student learning. Amberley District follow the guidelines within the Queensland Education Curriculum and Reporting Framework on when and how to report to parents. Learners will receive a report card via email at the completion of each Semester (Term 2 and Term 4).
These reports outline: